" We are very blessed with a large and growing pool of testimonials from our customers, these are industry leaders’ who have came to trust and rely on our solutions to enhance their business to push forward for greater excellence."
Elsie’s Kitchen Catering Services Pte Ltd
21 Second Chin Bee Road
Singapore 618780
Synergix Technologies Pte Ltd
2 International Business Park #07-05/06
The Strategy Tower 1
Singapore 609930
To Whom It May Concern,
Having been in a partnership with Synergix Technologies for a long time, we are satisfied with the services and the ability to d....
To Whom It May Concern,
Having been in a partnership with Synergix Technologies for a long time, we are satisfied with the services and the ability to deliver.
First of all, Synergix solutions provide us easy calculation of Payroll. Thanks to this, we do not need to manually track the staff’s clock in and out. For me, the best feature of Syn....