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E-invoicing With InvoiceNow

What is InvoiceNow?

InvoiceNow, previously known as PEPPOL E-invoicing, is a nationwide Electronic invoicing (E-Invoicing) method. InvoiceNow facilitates the automated creation, exchange and processing of requests for payment between suppliers and buyers using a structured digital format.

InvoiceNow Solutions are solutions such as (for example) Accounting and ERP which are connected to the Peppol network where business users can initiate an e-invoice using Peppol E-Delivery.

What are the Benefits of Transacting Through InvoiceNow?

As InvoiceNow Solution is in Singapore, our Synergix Accounting Software Solution can help your business gain benefits from Electronic Invoicing.

  • Get Paid Faster: The universal standard in E-Invoicing results in faster invoice processing, validation, and payment times
  • Reduce Cost: E-Invoices reduce costs to businesses (eg. Storage and retrieval of hardcopy invoices)
  • Transact Internationally: Send E-Invoices seamlessly to overseas partners
  • Green Friendly: E-Invoicing reduces the use of paper and plays a part in improving climate issues
How to Sign Up for InvoiceNow?

Follow these simple instructions below to sign up for InvoiceNow, and start sending and receiving e-invoices!