BCA has announced an amendment to Building Control Act on 1 Nov 2014, which included a mandatory requirement of using of biometric system for building projects with GFA>5000m². The term “advised to” will be rephrase to “must to” for the biometric system in the construction industry.
How ready is your company to handle this “must have” requirement?
How easy is it right now for you now to prepare reports such as BCA EPSS Report or MOM Market Labour Survey Report?
How much time are you spending in settling workers’ timesheet dispute?
How much time are you spending now to tabulate your workers’ timesheet before passing the information into a separate Accounting system and Payroll system?
Synergix Technologies provide you with a fully integrated ERP software , TaskHub ERP System which comes inbuilt with MOM registered HR modules to help you minimize messy paperwork through:
- Real Time capturing of workers’ timesheet (read more) via mobile tablets and biometric device
- Inbuilt real time GPS capturing of workers’ attendance to minimize cases of fraud
- Flexible Payroll Management for workers’ with different salary rate
- Centralized HR record (read more) for all employees across multi-companies
- Online Approval for Timesheet Records
- Timesheet with eLeave Records for traceability when workers failed to report work
- Auto-linkage of manpower cost to Projects, comparing labor budget against actual project cost
TaskHub ERP System offer a complete 25 modules solutions for your business and enable you to choose from our wide range of modules that suit your unique construction business requirements including Project Costing (read more) , Customer Progressive Claim and Certification, Subcontractor Claim and Certification , eJobsheet management, Procurement , Business Analytic (read more) and many more.
Contact us now at marketing@synergixtech.com for more understanding on how TaskHub ERP can help you!