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Components Of ERP Service

Year 2022
April 2022
Components Of ERP Service
21 Apr 2022

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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a hefty investment for any enterprise. However, it can bring a good return if businesses choose the right ERP vendor with comprehensive services. In today’s article, we would like to share with you a full spectrum of ERP service components, which can be attached to ERP systems. 


ERP consultation is a critical factor in ERP service components. It aims to help businesses understand what aspects they need to prepare and provide ERP providers in advance, before adopting an ERP system.

Accordingly, ERP consultants will have detailed discussions with businesses. They will determine specific requirements and implementation plans based on businesses’ budgets and timelines. Depending on industry standards, the consultants will suggest proper ERP solutions, modules, and features for businesses. They also make sure the implementation goes smoothly from the beginning.

Hosting Service

Choosing a suitable hosting server is essential when businesses adopt an ERP system. In fact, businesses have 2 options: the on-premise or cloud-based platform. This will depend on several key factors such as compliance, infrastructure, security, manpower or budget, etc. 

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Commonly, if businesses choose on-premise, it means that the ERP system is installed on their local servers and owned by the companies themselves. In this way, businesses have to prepare adequate infrastructure and IT departments to maintain hardware and its operation. On the other hand, cloud-based ERP software is hosted on ERP vendor’s servers, maintained, and secured by the ERP vendors. 


In ERP implementation, customisation is unavoidable in case businesses need unique features which are suitable for a specific industry or business model. It could be a competitive advantage if businesses can make use of these customised features and promote their strengths. With customised ERP service, businesses are able to save time from manual tasks without changing their operational workflows. This will streamline its operation and bring higher productivity.

Software Integration

Nowadays, almost all ERP developers are able to integrate their systems with other systems or applications. This enables businesses to leverage the systems with maximising capabilities and streamline their operations more efficiently. Depending on each sector, some common systems to integrate with ERP systems can be POS systems, MES solutions, e-commerce platforms, fleet management, Whatsapp, barcode scanners, etc.

Data Migration & Backup

Data migration is a key consideration for ERP system implementation. In reality, it refers to the process of transferring data from its original storage system to ERP systems’ databases. The system will help automate this process, avoiding tedious tasks and ensuring data accuracy. 

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Furthermore, businesses can facilitate data backup services. By generating a copy of data and store elsewhere, users can use it to restore data after a data loss event. The data backup is extremely helpful for recovery in case the original data is lost or corrupted. 

User Training

Properly training employees in the usage of ERP systems will assure they fully understand and make the most of the systems. Businesses should emphasise and encourage their employees to attend training courses. When they have a solid comprehension of how to interact with ERP systems to accomplish their tasks, it will lead to an overall increase in productivity. ERP consultants might offer online training via Zoom or conduct face-to-face training courses at clients’ offices.

IT Support & Maintenance

ERP support and maintenance are imperative to keep ERP system implementation running without any hitches. Most ERP vendors offer clients a variety of ongoing professional support from account managers, helpdesk, and IT experts. Moreover, they are to attain the best user experience and unlock new values of ERP systems.


SMEs are eligible for up to 50% Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) support for the adoption of Synergix Sales, Accounting, Inventory, a Pre-Approved Solution under the IMDA SMEs Go Digital Programme.

Should you have an interest in Synergix ERP software, contact us now for more information!

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