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ERP Software for Food Manufacturers

Year 2021
February 2021
ERP Software for Food Manufacturers
10 Feb 2021

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In today’s business landscape, many Small and Medium-Enterprises (SMEs) have chosen to embark on their digitalisation journey which allows them to automate their organizational operations and drive down costs. Many tasks which are manually done now can also be automated with ERP software. As one of the leading Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System providers in Singapore, Synergix Technologies has assisted more than 600 SMEs throughout their digital transformation journey by adopting an ERP system.

Should you be interested in exploring how Synergix ERP software for Food Manufacturers can bring huge benefits to businesses, read on!

Inventory Master

Inventory probably represents one of the most important aspect of your business. Inventory Master in Synergix ERP system is where it stores all of your Inventory (SKU) master information. This Inventory Master will store master data about your Raw Material, Semi-finished Product and Final Manufactured Product Master.  Our Inventory supports all the common Inventory Costing Methods such as FIFO, Average Weighted, as well as Lot and Serial Number tracking for better traceability.

Synergix ERP system can also record the pre-approved vendor list for each product as well as the respective Supplier and Customer Cross-reference code against your internal part code for those Raw materials or Semi-finished Goods items. One unique feature of Synergix ERP software is that we support Global Inventory Code which means using 1 same inventory code across multi companies as a group so that you do not have to create different inventory for your group of companies, making it easier for your reporting analysis.

Recipe BOI Master

The Bill of Ingredients (BOI) Master screen in Synergix ERP system is where you can define the production processes, kitchen, and ingredients that go into manufacturing your finished products. Our BOI screen has several features such as Multi-level BOI, BOI Version Management – for your staff to keep a repository of all current and historical BOI setups, BOI Effective Periods to ensure that your staff will not use any outdated BOIs. With the ingredient information and cooking process timings recorded here, the system will be able to run your Ingredient Requirement Planning and Kitchen Capacity Planning later on whenever there are new production batches.

Customer Master

Customer master screen stores all information pertaining to your customers. Finance can preset each customer’s tenor term, finance approved credit limit, and terms with your company so that later on when your salesperson generates a quote or order in the system, our ERP system will alert the users whenever the client exceed their credit limit, term and grace period. Synergix ERP System supports multi-currencies and the same Global concept applies here where the same customer code can share across multi-companies to ease reporting analysis such as total sales with customer A across your entities. For bad paymaster where you decide not to work with, you can suspend the customer so that sales will not accidentally quote the client in the future but suspension of client will not stop finance from receiving outstanding payment from this client.

Sales Quotation

In a typical manufacturing industry, it starts off with sales quotation where the salesperson can quote the customer the product that they manufacture.

In such scenarios (of above Standard Product), Synergix ERP system supports flexible price mechanism feature whereby you can preset various pricelist masters such as Price List by Inventory, Tiered Inventory Pricelist, Customer Price Group, and Customer Discounts for example, so that your management need not worry over your staff quoting their customers the wrong prices. For repeated orders, during quotation preparation, salesperson can easily track the past historical selling price and volume in which this particular client buy from you.

Once your salesperson had finished with their quote preparation, the quotation can be routed for online approval by your sales manager before sending it to the customer. The approving manager will be able to approve/reject from the email whereby all information required will be displayed in the email for him to review. Synergix ERP system for Food Manufacturing industry supports different approval matrix including approval by value, by SBU, by hierarchy for example. Our ERP software is able to track the success hit rate of all your quotation, whether the sales quotation had been clinched successfully or loss.

Sales Order/ Sales Contract

Once the quotation has been confirmed by your customer, ERP system will automatically generate a sales order. You can record your client’s purchase order number and if you do collect downpayment from the customer, you can capture the downpayment amount/percentage and the system will generate an Account Receivable invoice automatically and this acts as a reminder to collect the downpayment first.

Customer Demand Forecast

Should you perform demand forecast for stock planning purposes, our ERP system allows you to update your monthly product forecast demand by customer so that planners can ensure stock availability to achieve the projected sales.

Kitchen Planning

Depending on your business needs, Synergix ERP system for Food Manufacturing also supports Demand Forecast and pushes the information as well as confirmed orders to the planning screen to allow planners to do Machine Capacity Planning (MCP) and Ingredient Requirement Planning (IRP).

Materials Requirement Planning

Our MRP is able to auto calculate the ingredient required to fulfill the production demand.

When there are insufficient stocks on hand, the software can auto-recommend the quantity to order and auto-raise a purchase requisition once confirmed by the planner. Supporting e-workflow approval, Synergix software can auto-email the approving officer to alert him/her that there is an approval pending for his action before the purchaser proceeds with supplier sourcing and PO issuing to the supplier. For ease of information comparison, ERP system will reflect historical PO price and reflect the preferred vendor list to recommend the purchaser which supplier to source from.

Once the PO had been issued out, you would also be ready to do GRN via our Logistic module when the goods had been delivered to your warehouse. Synergix ERP Solution is able to manage partial delivery so that any outstanding delivery owe by your supplier will always be tracked. When the goods had been received, you are also able to make use of the QAQC module, whereby you can do a quality check for the items before stocks get updated into your inventory while any rejected items can be returned to the supplier.

Machine Capacity Planning

The software can automatically calculate for the planner whether they have sufficient capacity to handle the production workload for all confirmed orders before converting into a work order. As we know plan may have changes, hence Synergix supports flexible algorithm changes including Adhoc Capacity Adjustment, Kitchen Reassignment, BOI Replacement, BOI Variation, splitting of planned production and rework of jobs that failed QAQC. A kitchen scheduler will be used to provide an overview of those planned food that has to be prepared/ cooked within a certain time frame, as well as provide real-time updates on any changes made.

Work Order and QAQC

Once production is ready to start, you can print a Travel Card or Work Order form to pass to your production workers so that they can update the work in progress. You can also use barcode scanning to scan the travel card so that Synergix ERP System can auto-record the start and completion of each production stage. In between, you can send the jobs for quality assessment. Via our QAQC module, you can conduct a quality inspection, generate Non-Conformance Report if the product failed QC, and assess whether to scrap or send for rework. After production is fully completed, it will be updated into the inventory module which is linked to logistics delivery orders where the warehouse can prepare for the delivery task. Invoice will also be generated via Synergix ERP software for billing out to your client.

Employee Timesheet

Employee Daily Timesheet (EDT) is a screen that allows users to record individual daily activities and the labor cost will be added to the cost of manufacturing the finished good. This also is useful in ensuring traceability over which worker was responsible for which work order completion so that in event that there are manufacturing defects or product recall issues, you can do a backtrace even up to the worker level.

Picking, Packing and Delivery Order

Once the goods are available in stock, your warehouse user will be able to perform the picking and packing process. Furthermore, there is a delivery scheduler that allows back-end officer to do delivery route planning. Once it is done, the deliveryman will receive notifications on where and what to deliver. Synergix ERP system supports the generation of useful documents such as picking list, packing list, delivery order, pro forma invoice for example. Similarly, partial delivery made to your customer will also be tracked, so that you would not miss out any amount of goods outstanding to the customer. When required, you can also do combined shipment to combine multiple sales orders into 1 delivery order.

Human Resource module

Another integrated add-on would be our Human Resource module, which conforms to the local IRAS & MOM regulations. You will be able to monitor the attendance of your employees, which will be linked to the payroll module to calculate their salary.

Other areas such as staff claims and deduction will also be captured via Synergix Payroll module. In the event when your staffs need to apply leave, they can do so through our online leave application in our eLeave module. During year end, you may perform staff appraisal where our Staff Appraisal module allows you to review the performance of your staff and based on the KPI performance, Synergix ERP system will auto compute their recommended bonus and increment amount before management agrees and gets auto-updated to their Payroll information. Training & Certification module shall help you track all the various courses that your staff attended, their skills and certifications achieved, and how much budget had been spent for each headcount on the various courses.

Accounting modules

Ultimately, all modules will be linked to the Accounting department where the finance team can make use of our Account Receivable, Account Payable, General Ledger, Bank Book, Fixed Asset as part of a fully integrated program. Our Accounting module is registered with IRAS and it conforms to the Singapore accounting regulation. In addition to that, our Accounting module is Invoice-Now ready. Should you have a group of companies, we have Consolidation module which tracks inter-company transaction, handling elimination entries and allowing your group to generate Group finance reporting.

Reports and Business Analytics

At the end of the day, the management needs reports to know the performance of the company. Synergix software comes with over 100 standard reports and in addition, you can make use of our Business Analytic module to generate any ad-hoc report in real-time. These reports can then be scheduled to be auto-emailed based on your scheduled time interval. These reports can also be exported out into a graphical manner for financial report presentation.


To encourage SMEs to embark on their digitalization journey, the Singapore government has released several support schemes for SMEs to tap into. SMEs are eligible for up to 50% Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) support for the adoption of Synergix Sales, Accounting, Inventory, a Pre-Approved Solution under the IMDA SMEs Go Digital Programme. Besides, we can also look into other grants such as Enterprise Development Grant (EDG).

Should you be interested in Synergix ERP software, please feel free to drop us a message!

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