New Selections and Sorting Options for Statement of Accounts
- Age By Voucher Date / Due Date
Previously, when generating the Statement of Accounts from TaskHub Financial ERP, the parameter for Age By Voucher Date is defaulted to be voucher date (the creation date of the voucher). Now you can also filter the statement of accounts by the Due Date.
- Sort by Voucher Number / Due Date
On the same token, in addition to sorting the statement of accounts by voucher number, you can now sort by voucher date as well in the Financial ERP module.
Year End Bonus Payable – new feature to Upload / Download Template ( Additional Payment )
If let’s say, bonus is declared in December 2013 and to be paid out only in January 2014, this feature may be exactly what you need in our Payroll ERP module.
Previously, if bonus is declared in December 2013 and to be paid out only in January 2014, system will update the GL and project cost as 2014. With this Bonus Payable Feature, TaskHub ERP System now updates the expense and project cost of 2013 instead. Hence, TaskHub ERP Software now allows you to input these expense into the current month / year instead of the next.
Enhancing this features further, TaskHub ERP System now allows you to download and upload predefined templates for this purpose. This will be a very good help in aiding the HR to prepare the bonus list for all employees. You can download the template directly from TaskHub Payroll ERP in Excel format, fill in your employees list and upload to TaskHub ERP Software. The template will allow you to upload multiple records simultaneously.
Edit Sales Tax Amount in Equipment Billing Purchase
Under Equipment Billing Purchase Screen in our Service ERP module, for each invoice, in Sales Tax Tab, you can now adjust the sales tax amount.
Equipment Service : Auto-generate equipment service order when equipment reach servicing period
This new feature serves as a reminder to service equipment. On a daily basis, TaskHub ERP will check the last servicing date for each serial number, if the last servicing date is within 2 months as of the current date. TaskHub ERP System will auto-generate equipment service order for this equipment. Tracking of the equipment is based on serial numbers in our Service ERP module.
Default Payment Term Tenor by Customer / Supplier
For Billing Sales, as with AR invoice, based on the defaulted tenor in sales, upon generating an equipment billing sales invoice, system will default payment term tenor. The invoice due date will factor the invoice date and payment term tenor. If this comes from a customer, TaskHub ERP Software will default payment term tenor of billing sales based on Customer Code.
The same goes for Billing purchase process, with the difference only in the invoice due date which factors the suppliers invoice date and payment term tenor. Both these features are made available in our TaskHub Service ERP module.
Should you have any queries, please email our helpdesk team at help_taskhub@synergixtech.com for support.