Project ERP – Asset Depreciation Charge to WIP
Monthly asset depreciation can be automatically charged to Project WIP cost in our Project Costing ERP Module. This enhancement ensure a more accurate project costing for Fixed Asset Costing in addition to the existing Material Costing, Overhead Costing and Manpower Costing available in our Project Costing ERP and Project Management ERP solution.
Project ERP – Allow Reactivation of Closed Project and Project Variation Approval
TaskHub Project Management ERP module is now enhanced with approval feature for any variation to the active project, be it addition or omission to the project job scope. In addition, for completed jobs, there are times when there are additional costs to be charged. In such, scenario, TaskHub now allow re-activation of the closed project, notably for cost allocation purposes. This enhancement will ensure proper workflow approval and a more accurate project costing for Final Project Costing, in addition to existing Material Costing, Overhead Costing and Manpower Costing available in our Project Costing ERP and Project Management ERP solution.
Payroll ERP – Payslip can be generated independently and more effectively with new screen (Timesheet Details by Employee)
TaskHub Payroll has simplified and improved the payslip generation process. HR Department simply heads to new screen, Timesheet Details by Employee, in order to indicate the employee and time period. TaskHub will automatically retrieve the clock in and out details for the intended time period and generate the employee payslip upon confirmation in the payroll generation screen. This will remove the previously necessary steps to consolidate timesheet and improve efficiency for the HR and payroll department for our clients using Payroll module that is integrated with the other modules for costing purposes such as Project Costing ERP and Project Management ERP, Manufacturing ERP, Sales ERP, Contract ERP, or Service ERP Solution.
Logistic ERP – Same Invoice and DO number
During the Goods Delivery (DO), TaskHub Enterprise Resource Planning now allows the same running number for the DO and Invoice number to accommodate companies with such practices. This feature will be useful for our clients adopting our Sales ERP, Manufacturing ERP, or Warehouse ERP System.
Supply Chain ERP – Enhancement to PO screen
TaskHub ERP Software enhance PO screen to increase convenience for the purchasers by displaying requester’s name beside Purchase Request (PR) number when there is only one (1) requester for the said PO. This enhancement will benefit the procurement department of our clients adopting all our modules, ranging from Project Costing ERP and Project Management ERP, Manufacturing ERP, Contract ERP, Warehouse ERP, Service ERP, or Sales ERP System.
Warehouse ERP – Enhanced Inventory Search Function
TaskHub Enterprise Resource Planning Inventory Screen can display up to 15 items per page during inventory look up or inventory searching. In addition, the inventory search will have option to display up to 2000 inventory that fit the search criteria (typically will show 500 inventory items). As such, user can navigate and scroll through the entire inventory list. This feature can be utilized by our clients adopting our Project Costing ERP and Project Management ERP, Manufacturing ERP, Sales ERP, Contract ERP, Service ERP, or Warehouse ERP System.
Contract ERP – Copy Function and Insert Line Items in Contract Quotation
TaskHub ERP Software now allows Copy feature in Contract quotation to copy from quotation history. In addition, our contract quotation is further enhanced to allow insert of line item in between existing quoted items. This will handle scenarios when user prepare quotation and missed out some items and would like to insert item to preserve quote sequencing.
Customer and Supplier Master – LRA (Local Registered Address)
LRA – new field enhancement to the Customer and Supplier Master to capture Local Registered Address for mail-posting purpose. This will be useful for all our clients, be it our Project Costing ERP and Project Management ERP, Manufacturing ERP, Sales ERP, Contract ERP, or Service ERP System.
New Monthly Reports release includes:
- Payroll – Salary Breakdown Report. This enhanced report gives breakdown on their salary, down to their working hours (normal rate, OT1.5, OT2.0) and down to the details which projects(applicable for payroll hourly rate scheme only). The report is useful for companies adopting our Payroll module available as package in our Project costing ERP, Manufacturing ERP, Contract ERP, Service ERP and Distribution ERP System.
- Procurement – PO History Report to give a detailed information on all history PO issued, most notably for each individual projects or across all projects. The enhanced analysis through this report is especially useful for companies adopting our Project costing ERP and Project Management ERP. It will be useful for companies adopting our procurement module in our Manufacturing ERP, Contract ERP, Service ERP and Sales ERP Software.
iii. Logistics – Outgoing Inventory Report with content and cost Information, especially useful for customers selling products with Content (X% of Material A, Y% of Material B in the finished goods for delivery) in our Logistics module in our Sales ERP, Manufacturing ERP, and Production ERP System.
Should you have any queries, please email our helpdesk team at help_taskhub@synergixtech.com for support.