TaskHub Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP Software April 2015 Updates
Project ERP System: Email notification to purchasing department upon requisition
Under the Purchase Requisition drafting screen, Purchasing Department will be alerted upon any approval from the requisition department via an email. Thus, purchaser will surely be notified of any outstanding PR that needs supplier sourcing. This will shorten the purchasing lead time to inform the Purchasing department of that approval.
Project Costing ERP Software: Availability of horizontal and lateral approval of supplier costing
Taskhub ERP allows user to decide the series of approval either by hierarchy or by departments or both. As a company grow, firms will want to do internal department approval of supplier’s costing before allowing approval by their top management. This flexibility can be adjusted according to company’s jurisdiction. This helps to ensure the right and qualified supplier’s cost are given for management’s perusal.
Sales ERP Software: Security and Access Rights According to Departments
In order to further tighten the security access, we are releasing flexible permission function in our customer master screen. Sales team can create the customer master, but only user with the permission will be able to edit the Payment Information for that particular customer. Hence, ensuring the master customer database is as accurate as possible.
Sales ERP Software: Maintaining a consistent Minimum Quantity (MOQ)
As more companies practice MOQ for their sales team, Taskhub ERP allows firms to state their MOQ whenever user generates a sales quotation. Any posting of order that is less than the MOQ, system will auto prompt the user. This will ensure sales users will be alerted to avoid taking the order wrongly and failing to meet management’s MOQ requirement.
ERP Software Purchase Management: Split Purchase Requisition Approval
When raising a Purchase Requisition (PR) in Taskhub ERP, user can send split purchase requisition voucher for approval once supplier revert back their price for a specific item. This is beneficial when as some items are in urgent need for approval and to prevent any bottleneck in the procurement process. Hence no need to wait for full supplier price list for the PR before sending for management approval.