Bookmark / Quick-Link Features
The new Quick-Link Feature allows the users to bookmark the frequently-accessed screens.
- Our Project Costing ERP users, may bookmark project quotation, Project Claim, Purchase Request, Subcon Claim and so on;
- Likewise, our Manufacturing ERP users, may like to bookmark the Sales Order, Machine Capacity Planning (MCP), Material Requirement Planning (MRP), Work Order, QAQC screen;
- Similarly, our Contract ERP users, may choose to bookmark the Contract Quotation, Contract Management, Contract Usage, and Contract Billing Screen;
- As for Service ERP, they may choose to put features such as the enquiry call, Manpower Planning, Job Service Performance and Service Billings as their bookmark.
Project-Flexibility to display or hide on-screens ERP Features
Our system now allows to display or hide certain fields and / or features in the Project Costing Module Configuration. Our Project Screen will be more customizable to show only relevant fields respective to each company. The users of the Project ERP module will benefit greatly with this new flexibility.
Equipment Service -Auto Generation of service order for serial number for equipment reaching servicing period
The service order will be automatically generated based on the servicing period. Once our service ERP module detects that the servicing period is within the range for individual equipment tracked with serial number, it will generate a serial order for the particular equipment. The users of our Service ERP will no longer missed out the deadline for equipment servicing and the lifespan of the equipment will increase with timely and regular servicing.
SCM-Auto Purge Sales Order Upon Delivery Order
Our sales module is now equipped with auto purge features. When the sales order has been fulfilled through Delivery Order, the system will auto purge the completed sales order. This feature will improve efficiency for customers in the Trading and Distribution industry and Manufacturing industry.
Sales ERP- Email alert with logo, sign-off and hyperlink for approval of SQ and SO variation
An added flexibility for the email alert for sale module approval. When there is any variation in the Sales Quotation and Sales Order in the Sales ERP module, we have the option of including company logo,-sign-off or hyperlink in the alert email for approval process.
Logistic – Duplicate Supplier DO Number
Some supplier will require a same / duplicate DO number for the different batch of Purchase Order or shipments and our system will support this as well. This feature will be useful in giving flexibility for user so of Manufacturing ERP System, Trading and Distribution Enterprise Resource Planning.
Payroll – IR8A Form Enhancement
The IR8A form in TaskHub ERP Sotware will now display based on CPF Submission No. This upgrade will eased the IR8A submission, especially for our customers who used our Project ERP System, Manufacturing ERP System , Contract ERP System and Service ERP Software module.
Should you have any queries, please email our helpdesk team at for support.