TaskHub Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP System May 2015 Updates
Project ERP Software : Security Control for Project Quote Variation
Variation order is very common in a project based industry. Previously we already launched the feature to allow PJ VO quote to be tagged to Original Project Number. Now we further enhance this function such that it tighten security access, and only allow users of a particular SBU to see and pick the relevant SBU’s project number when making a variation order quotation.
E – Leave ERP Software : Auto Calculation and report of earned leave
The ERP will produce a report that shows the number of leave that a employee has earned and calculate the balance number of leave left for each month. Hence, allowing HR personnel to have an easy monitoring of all the employees’ leave.
Project Costing ERP Software: Reporting tool that displays employees’ additional payment or deduction charged to project costing
This report will show all the additional payment or payroll deduction for employees whether they are being charged to project cost. For those vouchers not allocated to any projects yet, it will also flag out and will be helpful in prevent overlook in the cost allocation/deduction and ensure an even more accurate Project P&L report cost achieved
Sales ERP Software: Prompting Mechanism for Sales order below MOQ
When drafting a sales quote, there will be a Minimum Order Quantity in order for the quote to be approved. Hence, Taskhub ERP will prompt the user if the entered order quantity is less than the MOQ. This prevents the sales person from quoting an order that is below a certain level and ensuring every sales quotation remains profitable.
Sales ERP Software: Flexibility in changing inventory code in Sales Variation
Taskhub ERP now allows user to change the inventory code or product when doing a variation in sales order. This is helpful so that user need not re-create a new sales order just to edit a particular item.