Dear Valued Customers,
Thank you for your continuous support in using Synergix Enterprise Resource Planning System. Synergix Technologies is committed to pursuing innovation and improving user-friendliness for the benefits of all customers. We would like to bring to your kind attention the following updates for the month of December 2019.
In this December’s update newsletter, we are glad to introduce new widgets to our Synergix ERP System Users. From the Dashboard screen, ERP Software users are able to see a quick overview of various modules. Software users can enable the widget by going to dashboard Setting then dragging and dropping available widgets from My widgets list to My Dashboard.
1. Top 5 Defect and Rejection Type (Module Code: QAQC)
In Synergix E1 ERP System, the widget Top 5 Defect and Rejection Type reflects the top 5 QAQC failure and rejection reasons.
Kindly take note that Synergix E1 ERP System does not support QAQC as the last stage of a production process. To overcome this, a succeeding process has to be defined in BOM after QAQC.

Top 5 Defect and Rejection Type
2. My Staff Claims (Module Code: SC)
With My Staff Claims from Synergix E1, ERP System users can view the status of their staff claims. The widget shows up to 5 records of the most recent staff claims.

My Staff Claims
3. Expiring Contracts (Module Code: MC)
Expiring Contracts helps ERP system users see which contracts are going to expire soon. Thereby, they can contact the respective person to follow up on renewal

Expiring Contracts
4. Sales Leader Board (Module Code: SA)
The widget Sales Leader Board from Synergix E1 ERP System displays a quick overview of the top salesperson, based on sales revenue brought in by each salesperson. It is useful for the salesperson to gauge their performance against their colleagues and for managers to assess and review the performance of the team.

Sales Leader Board
5. Supplier Delivery Performance (Module Code: LG)
Supplier Delivery Performance shows a list of suppliers with their delivery performance which is calculated by comparing the PO estimated arrival date and the actual GRN date. The widget monitors the percentage of on-time, late and early delivery of each supplier, hence, it allows purchasers to be quickly alerted on suppliers that are always late on deliveries.
Kindly note that the list for Supplier Delivery Performance is sorted from the Highest late percentage to Lowest late percentage.

Supplier Deliver Performance
6. Leave Approval (Module Code: LV)
Leave Approval allows Synergix E1 ERP System users to approve leave applications and leave cancellations. This widget allows the person in charge to quickly approve or reject leave requests from the dashboard screen.

Leave Approval
7. Leave Calendar (Module Code: LV)
Leave Calendar is where ERP System users can have an overview of Public Holidays and staffs who are on leave with a weekly and monthly view. This is also the place that shows all the leave records within a company.

Leave Calendar
8. My Leaves (Module Code: LV)
My Leaves widget shows Synergix E1 ERP System user’s pending, rejected and approved leaves. From the widget on the dashboard, ERP System users can have a quick glance to see if their leave requests are rejected, accepted or pending.

My Leaves