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Synergix E1 ERP System Updates | January 2020

Year 2020
January 2020
Synergix E1 ERP System Updates | January 2020
22 Jan 2020

Dear Valued Customers,

Thank you for your continuous support in using Synergix Enterprise Resource Planning System. Synergix Technologies is committed to pursuing innovation and improving user-friendliness for the benefits of all customers. We would like to bring to your kind attention the following updates for the month of January 2020.

1. Summary P&L by Project (FC: TH5R_PJ_300096)

Now, Synergix ERP Software System users can use Summary Profit & Loss by Project to analyse the actual profit and loss of a project. The report shows profit/loss reports grouped by project and workhead group for individual projects.

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Project P&L Report

2. Cost by Station Report (FC: TH6R_CO_300089, TH6R_CO_300090)

The purpose of Cost by Station Report is to help Synergix ERP System users find out all service orders covered in the invoice. The report also lists out the service address description & code of each order.

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Cost by Station Report

3. Incoming and On Hand Stock by Brand and Category (FC: TH6R_IC_200075)

Synergix ERP System has enhanced Incoming and On Hand Stock by Brand and Category report for our users. This report will help ERP System users summarise the incoming and on-hand stock quantity of inventories grouped by brand and category.

Kindly note that all quantity pulled out in the report is as at the time report is generated. This report does not cater for pulling quantity at history date

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Incoming and On Hand Stock by Brand and Category

4. Work Report (KN – Esso M&R) (FC: TH6R_CO_300120)

Work Report is developed to help Synergix ERP System users view information of Preventive Maintenance service order’s addresses, quantity and amount from service order in a single excel sheet.

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Work Report

5. Project Costing Sheet Summary (FC: TH6BC_PJ_300074)

Now, Synergix ERP system users can use Project Costing Sheet Summary as a report to control cost within their organization. In detail, this report summarises estimated and actual costs and compare the two costs by budget category.

This report helps ERP System users to have an overview of both Total Estimated Costs, Total Actual Costs, estimated and actual Gross Profits and hence control costs more effectively.

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Project Costing Sheet Summary

6. Subconsultant Fee Details (FC: TH5R_PJ_300091)

In Synergix ERP System, the Subconsultant Fee Detail Report shows Subcon fee, accrued, invoiced for Subconsultant of the whole project. The report displays by stage of work and in Nature currency.

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Subconsultant Fee Details

7. Subconsultant Fee Summary (FC: TH5R_PJ_300092)

The Subconsultant Fee Summary report shows ERP System users the information of Subcon fee by project and subconsultant.

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Subconsultant Fee Summary

8. AR Transaction Listing with Project No (FC: TH5R_AR_000008)

AR Transaction Listing with Project No by Voucher Date is enhanced in Synergix ERP System to aid users manage Account Receivable transactions in one report.

In case the transactions are tagged to their projects, the report will show project no. respectively to voucher no.

AR Transaction Listing with Project No 1024x400 - Synergix E1 ERP System Updates | January 2020

AR Transaction Listing with Project No

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