Dear Customers,
Thank you for your kind support and continued trust. Synergix commits itself to continue pursuing innovation and improving usability for the benefit of all customers.
Here are our Synergix ERP System updates for the month of October 2018:
1. Integrated Human Resource Management solution – Bank Text File Export
1) DBS Bank Text File Export For Payroll (TH6_PY_DBS_BANK_TEXT_FILE_EXPORT)
2) UOB Bank Text File Export For Payroll (TH6_PY_UOB_BANK_TEXT_FILE_EXPORT
3) OCBC Bank Text File Export For Payroll (TH6_PY_OCBC_BANK_TEXT_FILE_EXPORT)
4) SCB Bank Text File Export For Payroll (TH6_PY_SCB_BANK_TEXT_FILE_EXPORT)
5) CIMB Bank Text File Export For Payroll (TH6_PY_CIMB_BANK_TEXT_FILE_EXPORT)
We will enhance the above screens by adding “Date of Payment From” and “Date of Payment To” and remove “Payslip GL Posting Date From” and “Payslip GL Posting Date To”. Users will be able to filter payroll generation vouchers by these filters to decide which record to be recorded in the generated bank text file. Please note that payslip GL Posting Date will be solely used for GL posting purposes.
Payroll Generation Voucher 01: Date of Payment = 15/9/2018
Payroll Generation Voucher 02: Date of Payment = 15/9/2018
Payroll Generation Voucher 03: Date of Payment = 25/9/2018
If the ERP system user set Date of Payment From = 15/9/2018 and Date of Payment To = 15/9/2018, the system will retrieve Payroll Generation Voucher 01, 02 into the blank text file.
2. Project Management ERP Solution: Subcontractor Contract (Form code: TH6_PJ_SUBCON_CONTRACT)
As part of our R&D enhancements, we have upgraded our Subcon screens into a more user-friendly interface.
Summary: We have added Status columns at Draft and History screens to allow users to filter and search the Subcon contracts easier.
Draft Details:
- Right side panel to show an overview of Contract Value and VO Amount (if any)
- When allocating cost to multiple budget schedules, the system will auto-calculate default allocate amount based on the ratio of budget amount but ERP system users can still overwrite the allocate amount if necessary
Outstanding Details:
- Additional option “Terminate” for subcons with bad performance.
- When ERP system user opts to do Variation, you can indicate a reason for your variation so that other users can always know the reason behind whenever there is a variation.
3. Project Costing ERP Software: Subcontractor Claim (Form code: TH6_PJ_SUBCON_CLAIM)
Similarly, we have enhanced our Subcontractor claim screen as below:
- Claim History Summary screen to have a Status column for filtering purposes
- Work Done Period: Instead of free-text, user can select the year and month from the drop-down menu for clearer data
4. Project Solution ERP Software: Subcon Invoice (Form code: TH6_PJ_SUBCON_INVOICE)
Enhancements to the Subcon Invoice screen is as flows:
- Invoice History Summary will have additional column “Status”
- Draft Invoice: for flexibility, we allow users to edit Sales Tax Amount under Sales Tax Adjustment
5. Integrated ERP solution: Approval Summary – Change in column display (FC – 9009)
We have made a minor change to the Approval Summary screen for Purchase Request – Cost Confirmation vouchers. The column for Approved Supplier is now moved to the left side of the screen so that approving managers can immediately select the preferred vendor without having to scroll horizontally.
6. Integrated ERP software: Calculation for Sales Tax in AP/AR Invoices and Credit Note (FC 6819, 6201, 6200, 6320)
We have changed the calculation for sales tax to be at the voucher level. Instead of Sales Tax at individual line item, we will have a Sales Tax tab, which calculates the total sales tax amount of the entire voucher. Users can edit the Sales Tax amount over this tab for the total tax amount instead of adjusting per line item individually.
7. Integrated ERP solution with Accounting modules: IRAS GST F5 Breakdown Report (FC TH5R_FIN_000001)
We have developed an additional report, that shows a detailed breakdown of GST F5 records so that users can tally GST F5 against other reports in the system.