Dear Valued Customers,
Thank you for laying your trust in Synergix Enterprise Resource Planning System. Synergix Technologies is committed to pursuing innovation and improving the user experience for the sake of all clients. We’d like to keep you updated with the following updates for the month of March 2023.
1. UI Enhancement on Lookup Panels
In Synergix ERP Software, we have made a UI enhancement on lookup panels. A search box has been added beside the service description box, which makes it easier for users to find service items. This enhancement applies to all Lookup Panels, not just Service Items.
Below are before and after photos:

Previous Lookup Panels

Lookup Panels After Enhancement
2. UI Enhancement: Change in Font
From March 2023, Synergix ERP System will be gradually changing our Standard Business Format and Report Font type from Arial to Arial Unicode MS, so as to cater to print Chinese character as well.
Payroll & Finance
1. Reduce Decimal Place on Payroll Scheme (FC: TH6_payroll_scheme_fixed, TH6_payroll_scheme_flexible, TH6_payroll_scheme_flexible_fixed_incentive, TH6_payroll_scheme_flexible_fixed_rate, TH6_payroll_scheme_flexible_fixed_rate_incentive, TH6_payroll_scheme_flexible_fixed_rate_obayashi, TH6_payroll_scheme_flexible_obayashi, TH6_payroll_scheme_daily_hans, TH6_payroll_scheme_daily_roster, TH6_payroll_scheme_flexible_fixed_rate_mpl_break, TH6_payroll_scheme_weekly_hans, TH6_payroll_scheme_weekly_roster)
From now on, decimal place on payroll scheme screen will follow the global config: Hours Decimal Places.
Before & After :

Old Arial Font in Standard Business Format and Report

New Arial Unicode MS Font in Standard Business Format and Report
Project & Contract
1. Enhance Project Quotation with costing sheet Business Format to display “Disc Amt” (FC: TH5BS_PJ_400197)
From March 2023, Discount column is only visible when any of the project Bill of Quantities item involves discount.

Enhance Project Quotation with costing sheet Business Format to display “Discount Amount”