Dear Valued Customers,
We truly appreciate your continued trust and support of the Synergix Enterprise Resource Planning solution. As a result, Synergix Technologies is more motivated to continue to innovate and improve. We understand how to meet specific needs in order to provide the greatest user experience possible.
We’d like to provide you with a few more updates in October 2022.
1. Update Sales Tax for Outstanding Blanket Order (FC: TH6_PU_UPDATE_SALES_TAX_BLANKET_ORDER)
The Singapore Government will increase GST from 7% to 8% with effect from 01 Jan 2023 and from 8% to 9%, with effect from 01 Jan 2024. Hence, it is very urgent for all users who are tagged to default GST 7% to update. That was why in Synergix ERP system, we developed a screen so that users can update as and when required.
To get the latest update, look up MT_SALES_TAX in the main database. Kindly note that if user enters an invalid Sales Tax Code, there will be a pop-up alert about making standard error.
Update Sales Tax for Outstanding Blanket Order screen.

Update Sales Tax for Outstanding Blanket Order
2. Display PEPPOL ID in Customer & Supplier Masters (FC: 6055, 6059)
Previously, field PEPPOL ID was recorded on Party screen. From now on, Synergix ERP Software users no longer use Party screen, so we added field PEPPOL ID on Customer & Supplier Master screen instead.
Currently mt_party.peppol_id is only displayed in Party Master, after user create customer, user will have to go to party master to update peppol_id. The system will display peppl_id in customer master as well, so that user can maintain it accordingly. Data will still be stored back to mt_party.peppol_id column.
Customer (Form Code: 6055)

Customer Masters
Re-arrange the fields sequence as shown below:

Fields Sequence Re-arrangement
Supplier (Form Code: 6059)

Supplier Masters
Re-arrange the fields sequence as shown below:

Fields Sequence Re-arrangement
Project & Contract
1. Implement Team Member Security Control to widget “Project Cost VS Budget Cost by Budget Category (Home Currency)” (FC: TH6_PROJECT_COST_BUDGET_COST_HOMECCY)
Originally, the widget “Project Cost VS Budget Cost by Budget Category (Home Currency)” had limited security control, which means anyone who has access to the widget can see all the widget’s data. To make the widget more protected, Synergix team added a change in access rights, which is called security by team member. Now, only users belonging to a specific team member can see the data.

Project Cost Vs Budget Cost by Budget Category
Payroll & Finance
1. Sort Employees in Pop-up for Leave Entitlement (FC: TH5-24807)
In Synergix ERP solutions – Payroll module, we made some changes in the Leave Entitlement Screen. This enhancement helps to sort employee codes by alphabetical order.

Sort employee in pop up for Leave entitlement
2. Validation on Identification Doc (FC: PY_SCHEME_V1)
To eliminate error while keying in identification number, Synergix ERP software had some changes in Payroll module.

Validation on Identification Doc
1) If identification type = NRIC (National Registration Identity Card), nationality is not SG (Singapore) and PR (permanent resident) issue date = empty, prompt error and ask user to update for PR issue date.
2) If PR issue date is not null and default identification type is not PR or NRIC, prompt error.
3) If date to become citizen is not null and default identification is not NRIC, prompt error.
4) If identification type = PR, nationality is not SG and PR issue date = empty, prompt error and ask user to update for PR issue date.
5) NRIC number must begin with letter ‘S’ or ‘T’, must include 9 characters. The last character must be an alphabet.
6) FIN (Foreign Identification) number must begin with letter ‘F’, ‘G’ or ‘M’, must include 9 characters. The last character must be an alphabet.
7) Issue Date must be after Date of Birth, Application Date and before than Expiry date.
8) Expiry date must be after than Application Date, Issue Date & before than Card return date.