Dear Customers,
Thank you for your kind support and continued trust. Synergix commits itself to continue pursuing innovation and improving usability for the benefit of all customers.
Here are our Synergix ERP System updates for the month of April 2018:
Trading & Distribution ERP Software: TH5 Sales Quotation, Sales Order & LG Outgoing – Consolidate multiple line items and sell as a set (FC 6322, 0194, 9007)
Synergix has developed a new feature for you to sell multiple items together as one bundle. This will be useful when you are selling items that require peripherals/accessories (eg. computer with keyboard & mouse)
In TH5 Sales Quotation & Sales Order screens, Salesperson can indicate which inventory belongs to a set and System will help calculate the set price based on the total selling price of each individual items. This set information will then be pushed to LG-Outgoing screen for user’s reference and to ship out the items together as Bundle.
Trading & Distribution ERP Software: E1 Inventory Price & Cost – E1 Inventory Tiered Price List (FC TH6_INVENTORY_TIERED_PRICE_LIST)
We have developed an additional inventory price list that allows you to define different price points for tiered pricing. This feature will be especially useful as System will automatically fetch the unit price based on the quantity ordered to speed up your quotation process.
Manufacturing ERP Software: TH5 Material Requirement Planning – Extra filter (FC 6810)
We have added an additional filter for users to easily search your MPS vouchers for more efficient allocation and procurement of the materials required for production. MPS Voucher column will show all the MPS vouchers tied to the Material Code and filter will allow users to search for all rows that contain the relevant MPS voucher.
Field Service Management ERP Software: E1 Service Registry (FC TH6_Service_Registry)
We have developed this simple and user-friendly screen for you to track servicing done for your customers such as calibration, repair & testing or preventive maintenance services.
The first screen, Service Registry – Draft allows users to enter Serial Number of the item that you are servicing. The system will search this Serial No. and pull out all the related information such as Model No., Class and Brand etc. Afterwards, you can capture other important information for this service such as Service Type, Service Personnel/Work Team and Site Address.
After servicing has been completed, user can update Completion Date & Return Date in the Outstanding Service Registry voucher. For preventive maintenance services, user can input Service Interval so that System can suggest for you when is the next Service Date you should schedule for your service personnel/work team. If your service requires follow-ups, you can also capture the follow-up date so that System can notify and alert you on the upcoming service follow-ups due for action.
User can also attach files and images such as Customer Notes, Initial Inspection remarks under our Remarks & Attachment for reference purposes.
Project Management ERP Solution: E1 Project Budget – UI Enhancement (FC TH6_PJ_PROJECT_BUDGET)
We would like to inform our customers that we will be enhancing our Project Budget screen as follows:
- Project No. and SBU text fields will be removed (Project No. can still be found at the header)
- “Detail” will be renamed to “Cost Breakdown”
Human Resources ERP System: TH5 Additional Payment – Adhoc Payment (FC 8581)
Previously in order to process ad-hoc payment payslips, users have to create Additional Payment voucher (Type = Recipient). Synergix now allows users to process ad-hoc payment payslips in Additional Payment voucher (Type = Both Recipient and Item). Users can now process additional payment for a list of employees and conveniently generate ad-hoc payment payslips for these employees within a shorter period of time.
Human Resources ERP System: TH5 Payroll Generation – Payment method for resignee (FC 24811)
Previously, when the employee who has been receiving his salary via GIRO resigns, he would be receiving his salary through cheque and user would have to update in the Employee Master screen to change the payment method from Bank to Cheque.
We have updated our Payroll Generation screen for users to have flexibility whether to pay out the salary of resignee based on the previously maintained payment type in Employee Master or the user-defined payment method in payroll generation voucher.
Reports and Business Formats
Trading & Distribution ERP Software: Sales Quotation Listing Report (FC 4585)
We have added a new report for management to better analyse the performance of your sales department. This report shows a list of all sales quotation, salesperson, items together with the amount quoted and margin forecasted. You can also analyse how many of these items have been converted into sales order as the system can pull out the sales order voucher number for each item.