Dear Customers,
Thank you for your kind support and continued trust. Synergix commits itself to continue pursuing innovation and improving usability for the benefit of all customers.
Here are our Synergix Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System updates for the month of February 2019:
- Integrated ERP solution with Logistics and inventory control: Incoming shipment – Add module config to enable/disable remarks field in history (FC 0251)
We have added a feature that allows users to enable or disable remarks field in history at Incoming shipment screen so that whoever receiving goods can only proceed after keying in this information.
- Inventory Management ERP System:
- Inventory Lot Replacement (FC:TH6_INVENTORY_LOT_REPLACEMENT)
This feature enhancement is to alert users who are using Inventory Management ERP System to update Inventory Lot Replacement and Update Lot Info. By adding more column to indicate returned lot is selected from which source voucher line item no., this is to differentiate when source voucher has two lines item which have the same inventory code.
Please take note that Inventory Lot Replacement only used to replace lot which has been issued out in LG Going Shipment or direct AR Invoice.
- Inventory Management ERP System: Serial No. Adjustment and Replacement (FC: TH6_UPDATE_SERIAL_NUMBER_INFO)
We have designed a new feature for customers who are using our Inventory Management ERP System. This add-on allows users to Update Serial Number Info.
There are a few scenarios which user needs to adjust information of serial number in system:
- During goods receiving, user inputs wrong information (e.g. wrong serial no.) and submits the GRN. This is realised when the inventory Serial number is still in warehouse (e.g. upon picking or stock take).
- During goods receiving, user inputs correct information. However, during Delivery Order, user selects the wrong serial number to issue out. This is realised after Delivery Order is submitted (i.e. upon receiving by customer).
- During goods receiving, user inputs correct information. During Delivery Order, user selects the correct serial number to issue out. However, customer rejects the serial number. Logistics will replace the rejected serial number with another serial number.
Please take note that Inventory Serial Number Replacement only used to replace serial number which has been issued out in LG Going Shipment or direct AR Invoice.
- Integrated ERP solution: Inventory Enquiry – Change to show all Outstanding and Completed Sales and Purchase records (FC: TH6_INVENTORY_ENQUIRY)
For His tory Sales Tab:
- Add Sales Order Date Column
- Show All transactions (Outstanding & Completed), Default 10 records as pagination
Filterable: Sales Order No., Customer, SO Date
For History Purchase Tab:
- Add Purchase Order Date Column
- Show All transactions (Outstanding & completed), Default 10 records as pagination
Filterable: Purchase Order No., Supplier, PO Date
- Integrated ERP solution: Module Configuration – Enable Insurance and Freight In Billing Sales
For customers using Synergix E1 Billing sales module, we have released a new option for showing Enable Insurance and Freight In Billing Sales
- If turn Yes, show 3 fields Insurance, Freight, Total FOB cost in Billing sales.
- If turn No: don’t show Insurance, Freight, Total FOB cost in Billing sales.