Dear Customers,
Thank you for your kind support and continued trust. Synergix commits itself to continue pursuing innovation and improving usability for the benefit of all customers.
Here are our Synergix ERP System updates for the month of January 2018:
Trading & Distribution ERP Software: Display Default Unit Price in Approval Summary for TH5 Sales Quotation and E1 Sales Order
Our system now has the feature of showing the default unit price in approval summary module. TH5 users will be able to see a column of “Default Unit (CCY)” on the left of “Unit (CCY)” in sales quotation screen while E1 users will find the column of “Default Unit Price” on the left of “Unit Price”.
To turn on this feature: Module Config > Sales > Sales Quotation > Display Default Home Unit Price: Yes
Trading & Distribution ERP Software: Warranty Remarks from TH5 Sales Quotation and Sales Order to flow to Warranty screen (FC 9055)
We have enabled support for enabling SQ/SO/Outgoing Shipment line item warranty remarks. Users can input the warranty remarks which are available at Sales Quotation draft stage for all line items. Sales Order which contains Sales Quotation source voucher will also have the SQ warranty remarks which flow down from SQ. The salesperson will be able to record the warranty remarks freely as it is a free text field.
Line Item Warranty Remarks will flow as below:
A. Sales Quotation –> Sales Order –> LG: outgoing –> Warranty Voucher
B. Sales Order –> LG: Outgoing –> Warranty Voucher
For configuration: Module Config > Warranty > Enable SQ/SO/LG OUT Line Item Warranty Remarks: Yes & Enable Line Item Warranty Remarks to flow to Warranty Voucher Remarks: Yes
Project Management ERP Software: Workmanship Warranty in TH5 Project Order/Estimation (FC 64011)
There is a new option in the system to display “Workmanship Warranty” for project order/estimation. This field is for reporting purpose only and is editable during variation.
To include this: Module Config > Project Costing > Project Quotation & Estimation > Display “Workmanship Warranty” in Project Order/Estimation: Yes
Trading & Distribution ERP Software: Copayment (2 Billing Addresses and Contacts)
In a situation where an invoice is to be billed to 2 different contact/address under the same billing party, this new feature can be used for better convenience.
In Sales Order, the user will indicate 1 billing party, for example, ABC Pte Ltd, and may need to bill to two addresses and contact under that billing party. The system will only generate one logistic invoice with ABC Pte Ltd as billing party. The user will be able to print 2 invoice format, one bill to first address/contact, another to be billed to second address/contact.
In LG Outgoing Shipment and AR Invoice, the user can see that a voucher has co-payment.
This feature is applied to E1 Sales Order, TH5 Outgoing Shipment, Billing Sales, and direct AR Invoice.
To configure: Module Config > Sales > Sales Order > set default payment info for copayment details under: Copayment Default Payment Option/Term/Method/Tenor Term Code.
Reports and Business Formats
- Sales Report By Line item Sales Person – Customer – Inventory Grouping (FC 4101)TH5 and TH6 users will have the option to generate sales report by salesperson, customer and inventory groupings.Note: this report is used for customers who use customized feature sales person line item
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Sales Summary by Line Item Sales Person Report (FC 5292)Now our system allows the users to generate a line item sales person report with the option of daily, weekly or monthly sales analysis. Note: this function is for the customer who is using the customized feature of Sales Person Line Item.
- Customer Listing Report – now with new filters “Customer Price Group Code” & “Total of Customers” (FC 3122)We have increased the options for filtering by adding new filters “customer price group code” and “Total of customers” at the end of customer listing report.
- Project Summary by Project Class in Home Currency – now with a new filter to opt in/ opt out Previous Financial Year’s projects (FC 4553)Users can now hide the projects that are closed in the previous financial year with the help of the new filter in project summary by project class in home currency.