Dear Customers,
Thank you for your kind support and continued trust. Synergix commits itself to continue pursuing innovation and improving usability for the benefit of all customers.
Here are our Synergix ERP System updates for the month of July 2018:
1. Service Management ERP System: TH5 Service Enquiry Call, Service Billing – Attachment feature (FC 8678 & FC 0259)
We have enhanced our Service Management modules to allow users to upload attachments of any file type. This attachment feature will be useful as an online depository for users to always have an easy reference to the related documents of each service order in the future.
2.Service Management ERP System: E1 Service Checklist Item – Date Type (FC: TH6_GLOBAL_SERVICING_CHECKLIST_ITEM)
We have added a new option for Checklist item, which is “Date” so that as users fill up checklist, calendar will appear for them to select Date To and Date From and the system will auto compute for you the Duration in Days. The screens affected will be E1 Service Order and E1 Service Performance Mobile.
3.Trading & Distribution/Manufacturing ERP System: E1 Supplier Service Price List with Brand – Import and Export Feature (FC: TH6_SUPPLIER_SERVICE_PRICE_LIST_WITH_BRAND)
We have added a new feature for users to maintain Service Price List for each brand from each of your suppliers. This will be especially useful if you are trading multiple brands for the same service from the same supplier. In order to quickly maintain this service price list, the system allows Import and Export function for you to quickly workout on the excel file and transfer all information into the system.
4.Integrated ERP System: TH5 Purchase Order Variation Approval Summary (FC 9009)
For customers who are using our Purchase Order Variation Approval Type = Multiple by Type by Amount, we have enhanced our PO Variation Approval Summary screen to have 2 additional columns; Revision No. and Approval Type so that Approving Officers can easily refer to the Revision number of PO that they are approving at one glance.
5.Inventory Management ERP System: TH5 Inventory Voucher and Goods Replacement – Default Segment Code (FC 9008 & FC 9016)
We have upgraded our above two screens to allow default Segment if you are using our Segment feature. This way, inventory related costs can be automatically tagged to respective segments without users having to manually select in these screens.
6.Integrated ERP System: TH5 Purchase Order Outstanding and History Summary – Display Credit Note No. (FC 6319)
Users can now easily search for the PO vouchers with Credit Note (if there is any) in our PO Outstanding and History Summary screens. We now have an additional option for users to display the additional column “Credit Noe No.” in these screens.
7.Manufacturing ERP System: TH5 Transfer Order – Indicate Source Information (FC 9006)
Our Transfer Order screen is now enhanced so that when users want to transfer inventory items under Quality Inspection (QI) Assignment from specific shipment voucher, they can indicate the source information. The system will display Shipment Info and Project Info of all the available quantity of the inventory item under QI Assignment, users can search/filter via Goods Receipt Date, Shipment Info so as to find a specific batch of an item to transfer. Please note that this feature is only applicable for inventory that doesn’t require Lot No. tracking.
8.Trading & Distribution/Manufacturing ERP System: TH5 Billing Sales – Display Ship to Address Description (FC 9048)
We have improved our Billing Sales – Combine shipments to Invoice Screen to display Ship to Address Description so that users easily have reference to the Ship to Address and combine into an invoice.
9.Trading & Distribution/Manufacturing ERP System: TH5 Purchase Order – Internal Remarks to flow to QAQC modules
Our QAQC modules are more integrated now as the system can now flow the Internal Remarks from Purchase Order > Incoming Shipment > Job Assignment > Quality Inspection > Non-Conformance Report (unless users make changes to this Internal Remarks in any of the screens above).
10.Project Management ERP System: TH5 Subcon Claim Approval Method – Approval by Amount Limit and System Role
We have added one more approval method for Subcon Claims, which is to route approval by Amount, System Role based on Project or Company. This way, users can not only route approval to different officers based on Amount range, (e.g. Claims not exceeding 50,000 to route to Manager A, Claims amount ranging 50,000 – 100,000 to route to Manager B etc), but also set a hierarchy of approving officers based on his/her specific roles in respective projects OR specific role in the company.
11.Integrated ERP System: TH5 Inventory Enquiry – Display Subject and Reference No. (FC 9013)
We have enhanced our Inventory Enquiry screen to allow users to have reference to Subject details and Reference No. of stock that is on order. This will help users to search for PO more easily or liaise with your suppliers for effectively based on the delivery status of your Purchase Orders.
12.Project Management ERP System: TH5 Cost Item Enquiry and Request – Email Notification for Cost Item Request Approval
For our customers using Approval routing for Cost Item Enquiry and Request, we have enhanced our approval routing workflow so that system can trigger the email notification to Approving Officers upon voucher submission. The system will also trigger the email notification to requestor and previous level approving officer upon rejection or approval by last level approving officer.
In addition, an approving officer can also have the flexibility to approve/reject by line item, so that they can do partial rejection of certain items only and process the rest for procurement.
13.Integrated ERP System: Cash Book by Bank Account Number (FC 4624)
This report allows users to view all transactions posted to each Bank Code and Bank Currency Code in selected Financial Year/Period.