Payroll ERP System: Advancement Feature for Employees
There may be instances whereby your employees may request for pay advancements. Synergix E1 ERP now helps you to track all these advancements by generating an advancement payslip. Subsequently, during payroll processing, Synergix E1 ERP will remind your Payroll users that an advancement has been given to the employee by deducting the advancement amount from their salary.
Accounting ERP System: Attachment Feature in AP Invoice
Synergix E1 ERP, Accounts Payable module now comes with the attachments feature. Like other modules, you can now upload an unlimited number of attachments to your AP Invoice such that you can keep all relevant documents in one single repository for easier referencing.
Logistic ERP System: Inventory Voucher Batch Posting
Synergix E1 ERP System allows you to increase or decrease your inventory’s quantity on hand by creating an inventory voucher. With the new batch posting feature, you can now post multiple inventory vouchers at once if there are bulk changes to be made to your inventory.
Trading & Distribution ERP System: Sales Return and Reset All Quantities
In the event that there are sales returns made by your customers, Synergix E1 ERP has the Sales Returns module which will automatically retrieve all the items that were delivered to your customers. With the ‘Return All’ function, the system will help to update the return quantities to equal the shipped quantity, and ‘Reset’ function will zero out the return quantity. This will help to speed up the sales return process, reducing your customer lead time.
Trading & Distribution ERP: Auto Conversion of Inventory List Unit Price from Loose Quantity to Pack Size
Our Web-based ERP inventory list price function is now enhanced to automatically convert inventory’s loose quantity price to pack size price when creating Sales Quotations and Sales Orders. This is useful for situations where the inventory price is maintained in loose quantities but customers have ordered the inventory in pack sizes from you.
- Logistics Billing Purchase Invoice – Now displays Home Currency Total Amount
- General Ledger Detail in Home Currency Report
- Project Expenditure Update Report
- Project Revenue and Running Cost Summary by Project Report
- Unbilled Payables by Supplier Class & Category Report