Dear Valued Clients,
Synergix Technologies has evolved and thrived throughout more than 30 years. With the belief that behind the success of any organization are its prestigious customers, we would like to send a big thank to our valued customers for your trust and support in using our Synergix Enterprise Resource Planning System. We have been trying to work towards giving you the best satisfaction and make the best out of it. In this newsletter, we will keep you up to date on our newest available features. Such improvements are introduced as part of our efforts to embrace innovation and enhance user-friendliness for our clients’ experience.
Here are some of our updates for the month of August!
1. Account Payable Payment to Supplier Maybank Text file (FC: TH6_MAY_BANK_FILE_EXPORT_FOR_PAYMENT)
“Account Payable Payment to Supplier Maybank Text File” is a new feature in “Maybank File Export for Payment” screen, which allows Synergix ERP Software users to export files of Maybank Bank for making payment to suppliers.
To enable this feature, ERP System users will need to change Global Configuration and Module Configuration. In Global Configuration, ERP software users will need to turn the option “Enable Local Supplier Bank Info” into “Yes” as the setting will be “No” by default. In Module Configuration, ERP system users would need to access Module Configuration > Company Configuration > Bank Text File and enable the option “Enable Maybank iFile” into “Yes” to use the Maybank iFile feature.
The “Maybank iFile Export for Account Payable Payment” feature can be found by accessing Operations > Finance > Accounts Payable > Maybank Bank File Export for Payment to Supplier. There are some mandatory fields that need to be filled in, including Bank Code, Account No., Value Date, Payment Voucher Date From, Payment Voucher Date To. After keying in all the mandatory fields, upon clicking on the Export button, Synergix ERP system will generate the corresponding Cheque file accordingly based on the File Format and File Type selected.
1. User Role Access (Excel) (FC: TH5R_MT_400171)
The User Role Access (Excel) screen helps ERP System users to generate Excel reports easier to keep track which form code each user can access. In the report generation screen, ERP system users can use Report Filters to filter “Employee Code”, “Role Code” and “Form Code” of employees. User Role Access (Excel) has a default format of Xlxs so ERP users can generate report faster than the previous screen (User Role Access Listing FC: TH5 – 7606)
1. Total Discount Amount & Free Text Fields
“Total Discount Amount” and “Free Text Fields” are two new updates for the Project Quotation screen in Synergix ERP Software. “Total Discount Amount” allows ERP system users to give lump sum discounts to their customers during the quotation stage. With the Free Text Fields feature, Synergix ERP System users can now also choose to add free text fields to key in Customer Name, Address and Contact Information in Project Quotation.
2. Project Schedule Board
In Synergix ERP System, Project module can show Item Serviced information in Schedule Board screen. This feature will enable schedule planners to refer the Item Serviced information input from Project Service Order Request to schedule the services.
Kindly note that the edit-abilities of fields are available for editing Schedule via Schedule Calendar, and editing Remarks & Attachments.
3. Project Claim (FC: TH6_PJ_PROJECT_CLAIM_E2)
“Display Total Service Order Qty at Project Claim” is a new feature of Project module in Synergix ERP System which is utilised to display the total service order quantity at Project Claim screen. To add the module configuration, ERP System users need to enable “Display Total Service Order Qty at Project Claim” under “Project Costing” > “Project Claim” into “Yes”.
4. Subcontractor Contract Approval (FC: E1-TH6_APPROVING_OFFICER_NEW)
“Is Layer (By Amount, System Role on Project/Company Base)” is an approving method, which allows ERP System users to set Approving Officer by amount, project team member or company role. To set up the feature, ERP system users will need to set Amount Limit range initially. Upon clicking on the Amount Limit, the system will load Layer Detail panel, which allows ERP system users to add layer level and to choose Project Team Member base or Company base for each level.
In order to complete the Approval Process, a transaction must pass approval of all Layers of its Amount Limit Range. The system will decide which Amount limit layer it goes to based on “Total After Tax Home Amount”. For Project Team Member approving officer, ERP System will find the persons who have been tagged to Approving role in Project Order screen. And for Company base, ERP System will find all employees who have been tagged to Approving Role.
Please note that vouchers which are rejected by any layer would go back to the draft stage. If there is a voucher pending at a Role of Approving Officer, that role will be disabled and cannot be changed.
5. Skip Project Recognition module configuration (FC: TH6_PJ_PROJECT_ORDER)
Skip Project Recognition is a module configuration to allow Synergix ERP System users to close project without doing recognition. The configuration can be used in all screens that charge cost to Project; Payroll Timesheet and Worksheet screens are not catered.
By turning this module configuration on, upon submitting Cost voucher, ERP system will update “Expense GLAN of the Service” / “Inventory Line Item” instead of “Project Work In Progress GLAN”. Upon submitting Project invoice to history, ERP system will post double entries to “Project Revenue GLAN” instead of “Unearned Revenue GLAN”.
Kindly note that when the project is finished and users want to close it, they can click on the “Close Project” button in “Project Order” screen, “On going” tab.