Dear Valued Clients,
Thank you for your continuous support and trust in using Synergix Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System. As we are committed to pursue innovation and improve the usability of our software for the benefit of all our customers, we have been working hard to develop several new helpful features and improvements.
Here are some updates for the month of December 2020!
1. Purchase Requisition – Request – Approval method By SBU and Hierarchy (FC: TH6_PR_REQUEST_WITH_BRAND)
“Approval by SBU and Hierarchy” in “Purchase Requisition – Request” screen is to allow Synergix ERP System users to set up an approval matrix when users submit vouchers for approval. The ERP system will base on the SBU code tagged to the voucher submitted and route the voucher to the Approving Officer for approval. For each SBU, Synergix ERP system user can set up the Sequence (Layers) of Approving Officer to approve the voucher.
1. Schedule of Rates (Project Order) (FC: TH6_PJ_SOR_PROJECT_ORDER_E2)
Apart from Bill of Quantities (BQ) project, there is Schedule of Rates (SOR) project that consists of a list of Schedule of Rates items in Synergix Project Costing. Depending on the nature of the project, companies can decide whether to use BQ or SOR.
A “Schedule of Rates” is a list in a contract that shows the staff, labour and plant hire rates, etc that a contractor will use for pricing cost reimbursable work. It does not contain any quantities for the specific work items and is typically used when the nature of work required is known but it cannot be quantified, or if continuity of the program cannot be determined.
For companies that award projects to multiple subcontractors, Synergix ERP Software will enable users to view the Subcon Portal in Third Party User Account screen. The purpose of this Subcon Portal is to serve as a communication medium between the company and their subcontractors.
Upon logging in to the Subcon Portal, users will be able to view the subcon contract information, submit claim, and upload supporting documents for the company to review and certify.
3. E2 Project Class Maintenance (TH6_GLOBAL_PROJECT_CLASS)
E2 Project Class Maintenance screen allows the user to maintain the project class of each company branch. This is mainly used for General Ledger entry updates as well as for accounting and reporting purposes.
Now, E2 Project Class Maintenance is available in Synergix E2 ERP Software with an enhanced UI. All existing logics in the Project Maintenance screen remains unchanged.
4. Retention by Phase to E1/E2 Project Claim (FC: TH6_PJ_PROJECT_CLAIM, TH6_PROJECT_CLAIM_E2)
The feature “Retention by Phase” is now available in E1/E2 Customer Claim. “Retention by Phase” allows Synergix ERP system users to input different retention for different phases on the Project Claim E1/ E2 screen.
Kindly note that the default setting in Module Configuration for “Retention by Phase” in Project Order is “No” so ERP system users can enable this feature by changing into ‘Yes”.