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Synergix ERP Software Updates – February 2021

Year 2021
February 2021
Synergix ERP Software Updates – February 2021
26 Feb 2021

Dear Valued Customers,

Thank you for your ongoing support in using Synergix Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System. Synergix Technologies is committed to pursuing innovation and improving user-friendliness for the benefits of all customers. Such efforts are to fulfill any given requirements in order to give the best satisfaction to our customers.

In this newsletter, we would like to bring to your kind attention our new helpful screens and features of Synergix ERP System.


1. E2 Accounts Receivable Credit Note (FC: TH6_AR_CREDIT_NOTE)

In Synergix ERP Software, Accounts Receivable Credit Note is used when the goods sold to customer is damaged or not qualified. The supplier needs to compensate for those goods by creating a credit note in Accounts Receivable to cancel part of the goods that they sold to customers. The Credit Note will be sent to the customer to signify that the supplier still owes the customer a particular amount of goods sold.

Now, the E2 Accounts Receivable Credit Note screen is available in Synergix ERP Software with new UI enhancement. System users will be able to create new credit notes or keep tracks history of credit notes with the help of this screen

ERP system users can use this screen by accessing to Operations > Accounts Receivable > Processing > Credit Note.

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AR Credit Note

2. E2 Accounts Receivable Invoice (FC: TH6_AR_INVOICE)

The E2 Accounts Receivable Invoice is another new screen with UI enhancement in Synergix ERP system. The screen allows users to create new invoices and keep track the status of all invoices issued to customers.

E2 Accounts Receivable Invoice can be accessed by going to Operations > Accounts Receivable > Processing > Accounts Receivable Invoice.

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AR Invoice

 3. Aged Receivable by Due Date, Customer with Sales Rank (Summary in Home Currency) (FC: TH5R_AR_000015)

Now, Synergix ERP solution users can use the Aged Receivable by Due Date, Customer with Sales Rank report to review Detail Account Receivable Aging balance by Due Date. This report will group by Customer with Sales Rank which is summarized in home currency.


Besides new features and enhancement, we have also been working on the new appearance of our current screens to give our users a better experience with our ERP software. Here are some of the screens in Synergix ERP System which are enhanced with new UI designs.

1. E2 Sales Quotation (FC: TH6_SALES_QUOTATION_E2)

E2 Sales Quotation is another standard screen which has been enhanced with new UI design. E2 Sales Quotation allows the ERP system users to create a new sales quotation for products or service where a quotation is drafted for the prospective customers’ perusal.

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E2 Sales Quotation

2. E2 Sales Order (FC: TH6_SALES_ORDER_V1)

Now, Synergix ERP System users can utilise our E2 Sales Order screen with new interface. With the screen, users can create sales order where the respective information on each transaction can be entered.

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E2 Sales Order

3. E2 Billing Sales (FC: TH6_BILLING_SALES_V1)

In Synergix ERP Software, E2 Billing Sales screen is also one of the screens with new UI enhancement. It allows ERP system users to combine multiple Delivery Order into one Billing Sales invoice.

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E2 Billing Sales

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