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Synergix ERP Software Updates | February 2022

Year 2022
February 2022
Synergix ERP Software Updates | February 2022
28 Feb 2022

Dear Valued Clients,

Thank you for choosing Synergix Enterprise Resource Planning System and for your continued support. Synergix Technologies is dedicated to enhancing usability and pursuing innovation for the sake of all consumers. This time, we’d like to draw your attention to the following Synergix ERP System monthly updates for February 2022.

Payroll & Finance

1. Payroll Summary Report by PG Voucher (FC: TH5R_PY_400284)

Now, the “Payroll Summary” report in Synergix ERP system has an UI enhancement. The format is the same as the “Payroll Detail by Employee (Excel)” report. The columns from “Employee Code” to “Cessation Date” are not displayed in the report . Instead, it displays the following columns: “Payroll Generation Number”, “Year” and “Month”.

  • Report parameter: Year, Month.
  • Report filter: Generation Number, Date of Payment
payroll summary report - Synergix ERP Software Updates | February 2022

Report parameter & Report filter in Payroll Summary Report

2. Payroll: IR8A verification report (FC:TH6R_PY_400327)

In Synergix ERP software, there is an excel IR8A report. It helps users to tally the IR8A amount of the year, and check the IR8A amount for each employee in a whole picture, avoiding the inconvenience of checking through IR8A form (in IR8A report).

This report contains employee code, employee name, gross salary, bonus, director fee, ect. Those details are listed out in the IR8A report and the file submission.

Project & Contract

1. Audit Aborted Voucher for IC Transaction Voucher, Cost Adjustment, Stock Take & Transfer Order (FC: 9008, 9106, 8244, TH6_TRANSFER_ORDER)

There were enhancements applied for IC Transaction Voucher, Cost Adjustment, Stock Take & Transfer Order screens. Upon commanding ‘Abort’ in these screens, the ERP system will save all information. Afterwards, users can review the aborted voucher, aborted date by generating the Aborted Voucher Listing report. This feature can be used for the Finance audit report. 

2. Attachment function in Cost Accrual & Reversal (FC: TH5 – 03725)

In Synergix ERP solution, the Cost Accrual and Reversal screen has a new function for attachment. With this feature, users can now update documents related to their transactions for future reviews. 

Kindly note that after files are saved to “History”, they will not be editable.

Lavie 2 2 - Synergix ERP Software Updates | February 2022

Attachment function in Cost Accrual & Reversal

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