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Synergix ERP Software Updates | October 2020

Year 2020
October 2020
Synergix ERP Software Updates | October 2020
29 Oct 2020

Dear Valued Clients,

Thank you for your continuous trust and support in the usage of the Synergix Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software. We understand that optimizing our product to enhance user experience is the key to the long-term success of any technology company. Through our ongoing innovation and enhancements, we have been developing many new helpful features and improvements.

Below are a couple of updates for October 2020!


1. Top N Outstanding Customers (Dashboard)

Top N Outstanding Customers is a new dashboard in Synergix ERP system, which allows users to view top N customers arranged by the highest to lowest outstanding amount based on selected Financial Year & Period. ERP software users are able to select the number of outstanding customers to display in the widget and the options for N are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50.

Sad face icon highlighted in red, orange and yellow for 1st to 3rd top 3 customers with the highest outstanding amount not paid.

This widget can be set up by accessing to Master Setup > Administration > Security > Role Master > Dashpane Permission > Top N Outstanding Customers

2. E2 Account Receivable Receipt (TH6_AR_RECEIPT)

Besides new features and enhancement, we have also been working on the new appearance of our current screens to give our users a better user experience. The Account Receivable Receipt screen is one of the screens which has been enhanced with a new UI UX design.

Top 10 Outstanding Customers 1 - Synergix ERP Software Updates | October 2020

Top 10 Outstanding Customers


1. Integrate QAQC module into MFG Process (TH6_WORK_ORDER_COMPLETION_BY_WIP_BATCH)

Now, QAQC module in Synergix ERP Software can be integrated with Work Order Completion (WIP Batch Completion) screen to streamline the process flow.


Work Order Planning Material Allocation is the second screen in the Manufacturing flow, after Inventory Demand Forecast screen. In this screen, ERP Software users can make plans for the work order by specific Scheduled Start Date, edit Production Quantity of WIP/Finished Goods as well as Material Allocation Quantity then generate the Work Order voucher to start production.

3. Demand Forecast (TH6_DEMAND_FORECAST_FG)

Demand Forecast screen helps Synergix ERP system users monitor the demand of finished goods for Produce to Top Up inventory. If the stock balance for finished goods falls below the minimum holding quantity specified by the user, the system will calculate the recommended production quantity in order to keep the stock balance above the minimum holding quantity.


1. Allow to Edit Attachment in Completed PMR (TH6_PU_PROJECT_MATERIAL_REQUEST_MATERIAL)

Now, Synergix ERP Software users can add or remove the attachments in the completed PMR vouchers. To enable this feature, users will need to change the Module Configuration by accessing to Purchase > Project Material Request and enable the option “Allow to Edit Attachments in Completed PMR” into “Yes”.

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Allow to Edit Attachment in Completed PMR

2. Icon for “Update” button in Master Maintenance screen

In the master maintenance screen, “Update” button has been replaced with an icon. When the mouse hovers over the button, it will show the text “Submit”.

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Icon for “Update” button in Master Maintenance screen