Dear Valued Customers,
Thank you for your continuous support in using Synergix Enterprise Resource Planning System. Synergix Technologies is committed to pursuing innovation and improving usability for the benefits of all customers.
We would like to bring to your kind attention the following updates for the month of August 2019.
1. Leave Encashment for Hourly Rate Workers (FC: 2006, 24817, 24811, TH6_LEAVE_ENCASHMENT)
Now, Synergix E1 ERP system users can calculate their Hourly-Rate Workers’ payout for their leave encashment every year.
Kindly take notes that in that case, leaves will not be accumulated as employee leaves will be encashed yearly.
2. Time Sheet Report (FC: 8702)
Previously, ERP software users cannot see the employees who do not clock in and out from Time Sheet Report. Now in this report, we will allow you to flag out those Employees who have no clock-in record.
3. Calculation of OT hours for Basic Salary Employee (FC: TH6_MONTHLY_TIMESHEET_BUDGET_CATEGORY)
“TH6_MONTHLY_TIMESHEET_BUDGET_CATEGORY” is to make our timesheet to be able to charge actual labour cost to Project that used Budget Category for actual labour clocking. This is an additional method on top of our previous Labour Cost Charging to Itemized Costing Project.
1. Service Cost Allocation to Project (FC: TH6_PJ_COST_ALLOCATION_SERVICE_ORDER)
This function of Synergix will help ERP System users allocated the cost of each service order to project. The Service Cost Allocation bases on service orders monthly and Main Payslip of serviceman.
2. OA Capacity Maintenance (FC: TH6_OA_CAPACITY)
Good management of operational assets will help companies utilize effectively their resources. Understand that, we added a new feature on our Synergix ERP system screen, allowing customers to manage the capabilities of available assets. For each type of asset, customers can fill in their capacity parameters and check on the main screen.
Kindly note that this released feature will lead to “Daily Qty and Revenue report” to be working. The system will retrieve the OA-capacity tagging to generate the report based on each capacity.
3. Project Report – Security by Team Member Enhancement (FC: 5255, 5236, 9235, 01879, 01878, 4269, 4270, 6498, 7201)
When ERP system users generate project reports from a screen, users are only able to see the projects’ data from the report if they are a Team Member of those projects. This feature is to enhance security for project management by protecting the database from people who are not involved in.
1. Sales Invoice Commission Details Report (FC: TH5 – TH5R_SO_300031, RPT_KEY=TH5R_SO_300031)
Sales Invoice Commission Details Report is mainly involved in 2 different types of invoice: Direct Invoice and Logistic Invoice. It allows ERP System users to search and keep track of many data such as the total amount of SO, payment date, the amount of money had been paid, etc.
2. E1 Purchase Order with Allocation to Project Budget Schedule (TH5 – TH6R_PO_500001)
Synergix E1 ERP system users now can generate the report for Purchase Order with Allocation to Project Budget Schedule. The report also includes details from the screen Purchase Order with Project Budget Schedule Selection and also other information from projects.
3. History PO Report with Costs (FC: TH5 – TH5R_PO_300063, RPT_KEY=TH5R_PO_300063)
In Synergix E1 ERP System Screen, Purchase Order Report now supports history PO report with costs. This report shows all line items in PO that have been received, along with its cost and payment terms. Therefore, ERP system users can tabulate raw cost data for their analysis of profit & loss.