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Synergix ERP System Updates | July 2020

Year 2020
July 2020
Synergix ERP System Updates | July 2020
28 Jul 2020

Anh 1 - Synergix ERP System Updates | July 2020

Dear Valued Clients,

Thank you for your continuous faith and support in the usage of the Synergix Enterprise Resource Planning Software. This newsletter is written to keep you up to date on our newest features. Such improvements are introduced as part of our efforts to embrace innovation and enhance user-friendliness for our customers’ experience.

Below are a couple of updates for July 2020.


1. Stock issue with Multiple PMR (E1 – TH6_STOCK_ISSUE_PROJECT_MULTI_PMR)

The update feature from Synergix ERP System would raise a Stock Issue voucher for Multiple PMR. It allows ERP software users to select PMR voucher on the left side of details when users choose “Issue by PMR”. After clicking on the “+” button, a window will pop out in the system which allows ERP System users to select the PMR voucher. There is a scroll bar for the result section, where the “Add Selected PMR” button will be added at the footer of the popup window.

Kindly note that “Issue Without PMR” will remain unchanged.

Stock Issue 2 1024x524 - Synergix ERP System Updates | July 2020


2. (PRS & PO) Mandatory Attachment Feature (TH6_PU_SOURCING_BY_BGT_SCH_V1, TH6_PU_ORDER_BY_BGT_SCH_V1)

The Mandatory Attachment Feature in the “Purchase Requisition – Sourcing and Purchase Order” screen allows users to submit vouchers with uploaded attachments as a compulsory element. The default of the setting is “No – Not mandatory to upload attachment”. To change the setting into “Yes – Mandatory to upload attachment”, ERP system users can add a new configuration by going to Module Config > Purchase > Requisition and Order, then choosing “Mandatory Attachment Feature” in “Purchase Requisition – Sourcing” or “Mandatory Attachment Feature” in “Purchase Order”.

3. Adding of Columns to Service Order Performance, Contract Billing and Service Billing summary screens (TH6_SM_SERVICE_PERFORMANCE, TH6_CO_TERM_CONTRACT_BILLING, TH6_SM_SERVICE_BILLING)

Some new columns can be added to Service Order Performance, Contract Billing and Service Billing summary screens in Synergix ERP System. These updates are highlighted in more detail below:

  • Service Order Performance Summary screen will have a new column Service Quotation No.
  • Service Contract Billing Invoice Generation screen will have Service Quotation No. and Service Quotation Subject columns.
  • Service Billing Invoice Generation screen will have Service Quotation No. and Service Quotation Subject columns.
  • Service Billing Invoice Summary screen will have Service Quotation No. and Service Quotation Subject

 4. Column Visibility Display (TH6_SM_SERVICE_PERFORMANCE)

This is a new module configuration “Toggle Visibility Columns in Service Order Performance Summary Table”. This module configuration will allow ERP System users to show or hide any column in the Service Order Performance Summary Screen.

Kindly note that the default setting of this feature is “No”.


1. Purchase Requisition – Sourcing – Approval by SBU and Hierarchy (TH6_PU_SOURCING_BY_BGT_SCH_V1)

Approval by SBU and Hierarchy is an approval method used to manage vouchers in the “Purchase Requisition” screen in Synergix ERP System. By turning on the feature, the system will check the approving officer setting upon submission to find the Approving officers based on SBU and Before Tax Home Amount of this voucher then automatically send email notifications to the Approval officers.  If the voucher is approved, its status will be changed from “Pending Approval” to “Complete”. If not, the Summary page will display the voucher is pending at which Approving Officer’s approval.

Approval - Synergix ERP System Updates | July 2020


1. Cater default company in E1 employee master (FC: TH6_GLOBAL_EMPLOYEE_E1_PY_SCHEME)

Now, Synergix ERP Software users can sign in to the system faster by selecting their default company on the login screen. If ERP System users are under two or more companies, they can choose the most regular as default company. In cases where there is one company, this company will be set automatically as the default company.  In order to enable the default company feature, ERP software users can access the Company tab in the Global Employee screen and simply select the respective feature.

2. Finance Module Configuration Options (FC: 9105)

In Finance module of Synergix ERP System, we have recently tidied up and re-arranged the configurations in the “Account Receivable”, “Account Payables”, “Bank Book”, “General Ledger” and “Fixed Asset” modules into separate tabs and in a different order. The feature enhances the screen’s interface and makes it simpler for ERP software users to use.

Kindly note that this change would not affect any of your current configuration settings.

Finance Module Config - Synergix ERP System Updates | July 2020

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