Dear Valued Customers,
Thank you for your decision to use Synergix Enterprise Resource Planning System and for your ongoing support. Synergix Technologies is committed to improving usability and innovating for the benefit of all customers. This time, we’d like to call your attention to the Synergix ERP System monthly upgrades for February 2023, which are shown below.
Project & Contract
1. Enhance the Document Type field in the Attachment Panel Component
In the Project Order screen, we made some enhancements to make it easier and more effective. First, we rename “Document Type Code” to a shorter name: “Document Type”.
Second, we change the drop-down field to a lookup field and build a standard search component (search pop-up title: Search Document Type, 2 columns: Document Type Code and Document Type Description).
2. Optional “Project Site Shipping Address” field in Project Material Request (PMR) screen (FC: TH6_PU_PROJECT_MATERIAL_REQUEST_BY_BGT_SCH, TH6_PU_PROJECT_MATERIAL_REQUEST_BY_BGT_SCH_V1)
User is mandatory to select the Project Site Shipping address for the Project Material Request voucher. However, many customers do not have a Project Site Shipping Address and users had to create a Project Site Shipping Address for each project in order to submit the PMR voucher.
Hence, from now on, we make the “Ship To Address” field an optional field so that the user does not need to maintain the Project Site Shipping Address every time for each project.
3. Implement Team Member Security and Supervisor Right Control on Standard Project Reports
In Synergix ERP system, there will be an update in team member security and supervisor right on Standard Project Reports as below, which will be released in March 2023 :
Old Form Code | Current Form Code | Old Form Name | Current Form Name |
TH6R_PJ_300040 | No change | Project Quotation Listing Report (E2, TH5) | Project Quotation Listing (E2, TH5)(Excel) |
1866 | TH6R_PJ_300373 | Project Variation (E2, TH5) | Project Order Variation Report (E2, TH5)(Excel) |
6493 | No change | Project Actual Cost Item Detail – for Cost Control by Budget Category – list by Budget Schedule, Cost Items, Transactions (Excel) (E2) | Project Actual Cost Item Detail – for Cost
Control by Budget Category – list by Budget Schedule, Cost Items, Transactions (E2)(Excel) |
25101 | TH6R_PJ_300376 | AR Aging for Project Retention Report (E2, TH5) | AR Aging for Project Retention (E2, TH5)(Excel) |
TH5R_PJ_400221 | No change | Customer Project Claim Detail (E2,TH5) (Excel) | No change |
4627 | No change | Customer Project Claim Summary (E2,TH5) (Excel) | Customer Project Claim Summary (E2,TH5) (Excel) |
12136 | TH6R_PJ_300377 | AP Aging for Subcon Retention (E2, TH5) | AP Aging for Subcon Retention (E2, TH5)(Excel) |
1. Develop Standard E2 MFG Work Order Planning (FC: TH6_WORK_ORDER_PLANNING_DF)
In Synergix ERP system, Work Order Planning aims to let the user decide the priority of the work order by setting the scheduled start time. From now on, Work Order Planning will be separated into 2 form codes for each source of the voucher. This will help to simplify the screen.
The Original Status filter panel has been removed, we added Status Bar and the tables will have slight differences for each status.