Dear Valued Customers,
Synergix Technologies appreciates the opportunity to serve your enterprise and will continue to do our best to meet your needs. All of the feedback has been greatly appreciated, and as a result, we’ve released a number of new features to enhance our users’ experience.
Here are some June 2022 updates!
Payroll & Finance
1. Default Detail Type for Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable (FC: TH6_AR_INVOICE, TH6_AR_CREDIT_NOTE, TH6_AP_INVOICE_BGT_SCH, TH6_AP_CREDIT_NOTE_BGT_SCH)
In Synergix ERP system, we have created a new default detail line item for Finance modules on 4 screens: Accounts Receivable Invoice, Accounts Receivable Credit Note, Accounts Payable Invoice, and Accounts Payable Credit Notes. With this enhancement, from now on, users can access Module Configuration – Company Configuration tab and set up Default Detail Type, which includes S (Service) or I (Inventory).
2. Bank Transaction Enhancement (FC: TH6_BANK_TRANSACTION_BGT_SCH)
This month, there are some enhancements we have made for Accounts Receivable module in Synergix ERP software. Particularly, the steps needed to create a bank voucher have been reduced. This helps speed up the process for all customers.
When ERP software users create a bank voucher, these highlighted fields below have already been set up and users don’t need to key in manually.
ERP software users can change the setup for these fields by accessing Module Configuration:
1. Display “Manufacturing” tab in Service Item Maintenance screen (FC: TH6_SERVICE_MONTHLY_TS_FULL_PJALLOC)
In Synergix ERP software, Service Item Maintenance screen has been added “Manufacturing” tab which includes 2 Overhead Cost types: Per Unit Time (Hours) or Per Unit Qty. This feature is to help calculate service item set up in Inventory Bills of Material (BOM).